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River basins are geographical units in which all streams drain to a common terminus, but as a political boundary it is also the result of a choice and social construction. The concept has, from the nineteenth century onward, chiefly been mobilized for justifying and rationalizing the large-scale development of water resources by powerful water bureaucracies imbued with their "hydraulic mission." Excessive development resulting in basin closure and social and environmental externalities must be understood as a political phenomenon. The relevance of looking at water-related problems through the lens of the water basin has been debated and the complexity of multilevel governance unearthed, not least at the transboundary level. Whether river basin organizations are needed or desirable, and what their prerogatives should be, are also under question.
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River basin management
and development
François Molle
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
(IRD), France
International Water Management Institute
(IWMI), Egypt
River basins in historical context
In common language, the concept of the river
basin pertains to the eld of physical geography,
and is well established in secondary classrooms:
river (or drainage) basins are extents of land that
drains all streams and rainfall toward the same
terminus, generally a river or the sea, or some-
times an inland water body. River basins are also
often called catchments in British English, while
watershed, which in American English designates
smaller basins of a few thousand square kilome-
ters, refers to the line dividing two river basins.
River basins which drain to an inland water body
are called endorheic basins, and form large areas of
Central Asia and desert regions, like the Sahara
or the Arabian Peninsula. River basins can also
be seen as nested "rainfall collectors," with small
tributaries converging to larger rivers.
Although there are indications of sophisti-
cated knowledge of both river systems and the
hydrological cycle by the Chinese as early as
the third century BC (with a clear description
of how vapor generates clouds and clouds
rivers), and despite the rened hydraulic skills of
ancient civilizations and later of the Romans and
The International Encyclopedia of Geography.
Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0907
the Arabs, the conceptualization of hydrology
remained limited. Land and water resources
were in general exploited through piecemeal
projects destined for channeling, lifting, storing,
poldering, or diverting water in places deemed
suitable, based on the characteristics of the land,
the understanding of the ow regime, and the
available technology.
The clear articulation of the notion of the
river basin was probably hindered by diculties
in comprehending the hydrological cycle, most
particularly the origin of springs and why and
how rivers were owing despite the absence
of rainfall for long periods of time. In 1674
Pierre Perrault, a French geographer, wrote the
treatise De l'origine des fontaines (On the Origin
of Springs), which established a crude water
balance of the upper Seine river basin, where
he compared the river discharge with "the
rainwater that falls around its bed," a calculation
which would later be extended by Mariotte to
the ow of the Seine through Paris. In 1752,
Philippe Buache, a French cartographer attached
to the court of King Louis XV, published an
essay attempting to describe the structure of
continents based on the study of mountain
ranges, streams, and rivers which dened a river
basin as "the set of all the slopes on which fall the
waters that converge to a same river or creek."
His theory was rapidly taken up by Gatterer in
Germany who improved it and made it the basis
of a theory of the division of the world into
lands and regions.
Industrialization paralleled by scientic and
technological development would subsequently
project the river basin as the locus of the
human conquest of nature. Ambitious national
water projects including irrigation schemes or
hydropower generation were often discursively
rooted in the promotion of the river basin as a
natural unit for planning development or orga-
nizing societies. The river basin concept, beyond
its alleged naturalness, thus came to embody a
number of ideologies and was instrumentalized
by dierent constituencies. In the late nineteenth
century the concept of a river basin nurtured
utopias and political struggles concerning the
relationships between central and local power
in several countries. In France, the concept
was captured by political interests to serve as a
weapon against the revolution and centralization,
and was supported by the landowning aristocracy
who sought to re-establish the pre-eminence
of the "local." In Spain, the regeneracionismo
movement embraced the river basin as a "natural
unit" that signaled a natural and harmonious
order that was in contrast to the traditional
political and administrative divisions inherited
from the past; it was used against the tradi-
tional landowning elite. In the United States,
John Wesley Powell advocated the establish-
ment of self-determined "commonwealths,"
independent of both capitalists and bureaucrats,
organized along hydrographic basins and based
on natural resources rather than on the prevailing
township and county system.
Although its relation with the basin scale
was not always prominent because early devel-
opments occurred in the context of a relative
abundance of water, irrigation development
became the center of water resource develop-
ment during the second half of the nineteenth
century, with enthusiastic private investments in
places such as the western United States, Aus-
tralia, and India often meeting with bankruptcy
and calling for public intervention. As a result of
this nancial failure and given various national
objectives, the states stepped in and endorsed
the role of (large-scale) developers of water
resources. Imbued with the fresh legitimacy of
technical marvels and the presumably unlim-
ited power of science, inspired by the colonial
deeds of the British in India and the Sudan, the
Dutch in Indonesia, and the French in Vietnam,
hydraulic bureaucracies were created to take up
the challenges of ood protection, large-scale
public irrigation, and hydropower generation.
These bureaucracies took as their motto the
promise that not a single drop of water should
reach the sea without being put to work for the
benet of humanity: the "hydraulic mission"
was born (Molle 2007).
The beginning of the twentieth century was
thus marked by the creation of many hydraulic
bureaucracies in dierent parts of the world.
These include the US Bureau of Reclamation
(1902), the National Irrigation Commission in
Mexico (1926), the Department of Canals in
Siam (1902; now the Royal Irrigation Depart-
ment), the General Directorate of Public Works
in Turkey (1914; now DSI), the Inspetoria de
Obras Contra as Secas in Brazil (1909; later
DNOCS), and the strengthening of many of the
corps of engineers that had been created in the
eighteenth and nineteenth century in European
countries, as well as colonial irrigation adminis-
trations in Indonesia, Egypt, and India. But the
mission of reducing ood damage or irrigating
elds was soon to be enlarged with hydropower
and the task of generating electricity, fueled by
progress in technology in high dam construction,
turbines, and high-voltage transmission lines at
the beginning of the twentieth century.
These technological innovations and the many
"missions" entrusted to hydraulic bureaucracies
were pooled and came to be associated with river
basin planning and management, as epitomized
in the 1930s by the advent of the Tennessee
Valley Authority (TVA), launched by Roosevelt
in the aftermath of the economic crisis. River
basin development was taken to new heights
by combining the concept of unied development
(the damming of all the streams of a given river
basin to bring the river under total control),
the benets of multipurpose dams (hydropower,
ood protection, transportation, irrigation, and
other uses), and the idea of regional develop-
ment (associating water development with other
interventions such as reforestation, production of
fertilizers, industrial development, etc.). These
ideas were soon expanded to the Columbia
Basin in the United States which was to become
the "battery" of the west coast, with the rst
concrete for the grandiose Grand Coulee Dam
poured in December 1935. Similar large-scale
projects and planned development were oated
in Stalin's Russia, in a political and parallel
contest, where technology, mechanization, and
large-scale centralized planning and production
processes were part and parcel of a vision of what
Josephson (1995) called a "supremely rational
society," which would plan massive hydropower
plants and canals (e.g., the infamous White
Sea–Baltic Canal), as well as "domesticate" rivers
like the Volga.
In the postwar period of the 1950s and 1960s,
which was marked by the need for reconstruc-
tion and to grow food for a world in shambles,
grandiose water resources development schemes
were soon in high demand. In the United States,
the Bureau of Reclamation and the United
States Army Corps of Engineers engaged in a
sweeping damming of the country's rivers (Reis-
ner 1993/1986) and envisaged megaprojects like
the transfer of water from Alaska to Mexico. In
the Soviet Union, electricity production, and
how it would transform society and the econ-
omy (a vision long nurtured by Lenin), received
much attention from Stalin who launched the
Volta Project – epitomized by the Kuibyshef
dam – and the 1948 Plan for the Transformation
of Nature. This plan and the later Siberian river
reversal project to divert water to Central Asia
were echoed by what Shapiro termed "Mao's
war against Nature" and its major ood control,
canal and hydropower projects in the 1950s.
In Spain, Franco undertook the relentless con-
struction of 800 dams (and irrigation schemes)
as a way of legitimizing his power and buying
support from rural elites. Hydropower develop-
ment soared in countries like Canada, Norway,
and Sweden, where rivers were, in the words of
Jakobsson, "industrialized."
In the developing countries, particularly
newly independent ones, elites and governments
enthusiastically embraced the icons of moder-
nity and development epitomized by large-scale
irrigation schemes and dams – in India famously
referred to by Nehru as "the temples of modern
India." In that, they were supported by either
Western countries or the Soviet Union, which
had both economic and geopolitical interests
in fueling this postcolonial hydraulic mission.
Massive investments – most pre-eminently in
dams and irrigation systems – in countries with
potential rural instability were thought by the
United States to be the best defense against
the spread of communism. It was in this context
that the TVA, marketed in particular by the
prophetic tone of Lilienthal's book TVA: Democ-
racy on the March (1944), was to become both an
icon of modernity and development and a major
asset of US overseas development and diplomacy
(Ekbladh 2002): in a matter of years the TVA
would become the "grand-daddy of all regional
development projects," embodying the social
engineering drive that Scott (1998) has termed
"high modernism," and inspiring a multitude
of TVA-like projects in river basins such as the
Jordan, Danube, and Mekong, and in countries
as diverse as Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Colombia,
China, and South Africa. This further spurred
the creation of national water bureaucracies
entrusted with river basin planning and the
construction of hydropower dams, reservoirs,
and canal networks for irrigation.
The four decades following World War II
witnessed massive investments in reservoirs
(large dams increased globally from 5000 in 1950
to around 50 000 at present, while irrigated areas
doubled from 140 million ha to 280 million
ha). All the ingredients of nineteenth-century
scientism, hubris, and utopias were alive and
well and the hydraulic mission was in full swing,
predicated on an ideology of the domination of
nature, where "conquering," "harnessing," and
"taming" the wilderness were touted as part of a
civilizing mission, and rooted in the conviction
that water owing to the ocean was a waste that
called for infrastructure to capture and manage
the resource in each river basin.
Beyond promises to feed the masses, raise rural
income, or meet energy requirements, the devel-
opment of public irrigation and associated dams
was central to Cold War geopolitics as well as to
wider national state policies, whether it was to
settle nomads (as in the Middle East and Tunisia);
to provide jobs to returning servicemen after
the two world wars (as in Australia and South
Africa); to break up haciendas and colonize
them, with farmers practicing "revolutionary
irrigation" (Mexico); or to strategically occupy
land (as in the United States, Israel, and Sri
Lanka). As a result, the hydraulic mission era was
characterized by a massive injection of public
money in all countries, with associated subsidies
and political favors.
In industrialized countries the hydraulic mis-
sion started to lose momentum in the early
1980s, with the growing recognition of asso-
ciated social and environmental costs, and also
with the decreasing availability of suitable dam
and irrigation sites. A similar trend was observed
15 years later in developing countries, although
infrastructure development remains largely
unabated in a number of countries. This change
was due to the rise of environmental concerns
(priority shifting toward water quality and
environmental sustainability), the public costs of
such water resources development, and increas-
ing criticism from aected groups and the civil
society at large. Challenges to conventional river
basin development also resulted from the shift
from government to governance, whereby water
issues came to be considered as societal questions
requiring participation from, or co-management
with, concerned stakeholders. In the early 1990s
these concerns were reected in the Dublin Prin-
ciples and the formulation of integrated water
resources management (IWRM) approaches,
which were later formalized by the European
Union in its Water Framework Directive. The
directive sanctioned the river basin as the appro-
priate unit for managing water, partly under the
inuence of some national models (e.g., France
and Spain), and partly as an embodiment of the
promotion of basin-centered management by
mainstream international organizations. But the
appeal of river basins as an organizing principle
also came from its "naturalness," as the locus of
hydrological processes where the integration of
water-related issues, as well as the participation
of stakeholders, should be facilitated. The pro-
motion of the river basin as a universal unit for
water management has triggered wide discussion
and scholarly debates from various disciplines.
Current research agenda
Basin management, modeling,
and hydrology
River basin management is a subject of predilec-
tion for modelers. Hydrologists and engineers
have developed numerous models to reproduce
hydrological processes and to study and optimize
the allocation of resources. Models, long limited
to the study of surface water, have grown in
sophistication and now increasingly include
groundwater modules coupled with surface
water. However, it often remains dicult to
appreciate, for example, time lags and two-way
interactions between surface water and ground-
water resources, how changes in land use, in
particular deforestation, alter runo and ground-
water recharge. Likewise, actual management
rules of dams and irrigation schemes, and more
generally the change in actors' behaviors at all
levels in the face of extreme events, are dicult
to model. A growing body of literature is also
addressing the evolution of supply and demand
in river basins under varied scenarios of climate
change. Economists have developed their own
models to optimize the economic eciency of
resource allocation within river basins. Despite
growing sophistication, these models generally
work at a high level of aggregation and are
often unable to reproduce local dynamics and
to capture the complexity of the interaction
between physical and humanz systems.
The question of eciency in water use within
river basins has also been the subject of many
works that have emphasized the concept of
river basin eciency, as opposed to local user or
system eciency. They have shown how local
"ineciencies" associated with leaky canals,
reservoir spills, return ows from irrigation,
or other system "losses" are often the primary
source of water for other users or for ecosystems
within the basin. Successive reuses of water
across nested scales greatly complexify water
balances and accounting, and introduce addi-
tional and intertwined questions about changes
in water quality and energy costs. Although
this important work has critical implications
for the concepts of eciency and allocation, it
is not always well understood, and reasoning
based on conventional point-of-use eciencies
often prevails, partly because of adherence to
classic engineering conceptions but also because
it provides easy justication for investments in
water-saving technologies.
River basin overbuilding and trajectories
Long-term interactions between societies and
their river basin environment are sometimes
described by the term "river basin trajecto-
ries," which examines human eorts to assess,
capture, convey, store, share, and use available
water resources in the face of changing physical
and social environments, as well as how the
distribution of decisional and discursive power
results in specic water regimes, with particular
patterns of distribution of costs, benet, and
risk across space, time, and social groups. Other
concepts and approaches within the eld of
political ecology, such as the hydrosocial cycle or
the socioecological concept of the waterscape,
although seldom applied to river basins as such,
also emphasize relations of power behind the
manipulation of the water cycle.
One commonplace aspect of a basin trajectory
is basin closure, which occurs when the quantity
of water abstracted from the river or the aquifer
is so high that it can no longer ensure the
supply to downstream users, dilute pollution,
control salinity intrusion, ush sediments, or
sustain healthy ecosystems at the river mouth
(or terminus). This imbalance can manifest itself
only during a few dry months (where the basin
is said to be closing ), or almost permanently
(where the basin is said to be closed). Closure
and resulting scarcity can sometimes occur in
sub-basins or small catchments, while the larger
basin remains open. Rivers hardly reaching the
sea, or contracting lakes, are the most visible signs
of basin closure, as exemplied by the Colorado
or Yellow rivers, the Aral Sea, and the Dead
Sea. In some cases, like in the Lerma–Chapala
Basin (Mexico), overabstraction of groundwater,
and excessive surface water withdrawals can lead
to water depletion exceeding annual renewable
The natural interconnectedness of ecosystems
and users across a river basin increases with
basin closure. As the amount of available water
is insucient to dampen or absorb uctuations
in supply and demand, or to dilute salt and
pollutants, conicts and negative externalities
increase, posing increasing challenges to regu-
lation and management. What particular actors
do at a particular point in space and time (e.g.,
digging farm ponds, tapping groundwater, har-
vesting water, lining canals, changing cropping
patterns, or irrigation techniques) modies
the circulation of water, salts, sediments, and
biota, disrupting the environmental processes
and human activities associated with the pre-
vailing water regime. The lack of data on, or
knowledge of, both hydrological processes and
actors' behaviors often makes it dicult to com-
prehend, evaluate, or anticipate how the water
cycle is altered and what positive and negative
social and economic externalities are produced.
Externalities travel across space and time and
sociopolitical categories of stakeholders. They
amount to a constant redistribution of costs and
benets along lines of power that eventually
tend to determine who are the winners and the
losers between diverse stakeholders. Third-party
impacts must be regulated, with the state usually
playing a critical role.
Basin closure is generated by the overbuilding
of river basins, a socially constructed process of
overextension of the water abstraction capac-
ity, in general for irrigation. The process is
fundamentally driven by the vested interests
of politicians, water bureaucrats, private con-
struction rms, and development banks and
the powerful incentives they face in sustaining
water resources development. Overbuilding is
also caused by regional politics and issues of
equity, whereby dierences in relative wealth
between regions are used by poorer ones to
claim for hydraulic (and other) investments even
if hydrologic and economic conditions should
discourage them. In other settings, between
federal states (e.g., India) or between nations
(e.g., Nile), it is commonplace to see a rush
toward infrastructure development in order to
lay claim to or to support a prior claim on the
shared resource. Supply augmentation options
are more attractive to decision-makers because
they avoid politically costly reductions in use or
reallocation, but are often adopted at the expense
of the public purse and environment preserva-
tion, with opportunistic, optimistic hydrologic
or economic hypotheses that have to be paid for
later: overallocated resources, managers having to
tap reservoirs' security stocks, helplessness in the
face of aquifer overexploitation, and the necessity
of reallocating water between sectors by at or
stealth, in general toward municipal and indus-
trial users and to the detriment of agriculture,
the environment, or weaker constituencies.
The overdevelopment of water use infrastruc-
ture, principally irrigation schemes, generates
water scarcity "mechanically." When most avail-
able resources are committed, little slack remains
in the stock and uxes of the river basin, and
any disruption caused by hydrologic variability
(compounded by climate change) or mismanage-
ment (notably the tendency to overallocate the
resource) generates crises that are opportunisti-
cally seized by politicians or interest groups to
further develop supply. Politicians then often
"naturalize" water scarcity and "securitize" the
debate by framing and justifying their responses
and policies under the cloak of national or food
security or other overriding metajustications.
In both discursive and material ways, scarcity is
Critique of the river basin scale
and boundaries
River basins are promoted as the integrative
locus of human uses and the environment, the
scale at which the resource can be eciently
managed and allocated, and where participation
of actors with a stake in the basin's water should
naturally occur. It is therefore not surprising
that river basins have been associated with
IWRM and promoted as one of its cardinal
"best practices." They have also been justied
by the alleged necessity to improve "spatial t,"
that is, the matching of resources boundary and
institutional regimes governing them. A grow-
ing scholarship has challenged this prescription.
From a management point of view, it has been
pointed out that river basin boundaries may not
be relevant, for example in the case of small
islands, deltas, arid areas, oodplains, and coastal
areas; that surface and groundwater interactions
need to be considered; that aquifer systems are
often noncoterminous with river basins; and that
interbasin transfers are also frequent and demand
consideration of an expanded scale.
From the government's point of view – with
a focus on the structure of power and processes
of decision-making – river basin boundaries are
problematic in dierent ways (Norman, Cook,
and Cohen 2015). The accountability and legit-
imacy of organizations or policies based on river
boundaries can be weak, and may generate con-
icts with the existing layers of sectoral or polit-
ical administration and agencies.
More crucially, river basins are aected by
social or ecological processes which unfold at
dierent scales and spatial units (e.g., climate
change, invasive spaces, etc., which therefore
have dierent "problemsheds"), and basin reg-
ulations or management practices may intersect
in sometimes conicting ways with other "poli-
cysheds," or geographical units in which policies
(e.g., on land-use planning, reforestation, urban
or industrial development, spatial conservation,
or protection areas) are implemented. Thus,
there has been a recognition that many drivers
and consequences of river basin dynamics can
be located outside the basin, where solutions to
local problems may also lie. This recognition in
particular speaks to the relationships between
food production, water, and energy, and has
triggered calls for integrating policy thinking at a
higher level, through what is commonly referred
to as a "nexus" approach.
Hydrologic boundaries are a starting point
but often beg to be pragmatically adjusted to
particular geographic, administrative, and politi-
cal realities. Mechanisms to harmonize policies,
resolve conicts of prerogatives, and ensure
participation in the coordination of multiple
levels of organization and administrative layers
need to be established. Coordinating existing
state and nonstate actors may therefore be the
primary goal, rather than creating a new basin
organization. Eventually, the selection of bound-
aries for water or environmental management,
whether of the river basin or otherwise, is a
political choice.
Ecosystemic approach and environmental
Intensive river basin development has resulted in
major ecological changes. Dams have radically
altered the natural ow regime of rivers and the
circulation of sediments; large-scale irrigation
schemes have withdrawn and depleted large
amounts of water; cities, industries, and agricul-
ture have injected massive amounts of chemicals
and pollutants. Although hydraulic infrastruc-
tures have provided huge benets in terms of
ood control, energy and food production, or
navigation, the dramatic alteration of existing
hydrologic regimes in terms of quantity, quality,
and timing have often undermined or destroyed
rich ecosystems, together with the elaborate
human uses that had developed around them.
Dams, irrigation, and pumping schemes have
led to the loss of springs or wetlands, to the
gradual disappearance and contamination of
terminal lakes or seas, and to the many benets
associated with oods (source of nutrients,
recharge of aquifers, support of wetlands and
biodiversity, ood recession agriculture, repro-
duction of sheries, etc.), which have been
severely curtailed.
Not only has development, in most cases,
resulted in a shift of benets from the local pop-
ulation to other, often urban, populations, but
the overall economic assessment has sometimes
been negative, the loss of ecosystem services
and existing productivity used being higher than
the benets generated by the investments, as the
cases of the Hadejia' Jama'a oodplain in Nigeria
and the Kafue Flats in Zambia famously illustrate.
The necessity to view a river basin as a con-
tinuum of interconnected ecosystems in order
to understand how changes in one part of a
basin aect both water availability and envi-
ronmental health in other parts of the basin
has spurred the development of an "ecosystem
approach," dened by the Convention on Bio-
logical Diversity as a strategy for the integrated
management of land, water, and living resources
that promotes conservation and sustainable use
in an equitable way. It has contributed to rais-
ing people's awareness about the diversity of
services obtained by people from ecosystems,
either directly (fresh water, food, fuel, ber,
genetic resources, recreation, aesthetic experi-
ences, spiritual enrichment, etc.), or indirectly
(air quality maintenance, climate regulation,
erosion control, regulation of human diseases,
water purication, etc.), and has substantially
enriched the conception of river basins and the
understanding of their management.
This concept has also spurred work in the
eld of economics, with the development of
methodologies for valuing ecosystem services to
reveal the hidden costs of interventions and con-
test cost–benet analyses and feasibility studies
that routinely justify projects by ignoring their
negative environmental externalities. They also
argue that higher water prices could encourage
conservation (thus increasing river ows) and
have developed the concept of payments for
environmental services.
Environmentalists have also promoted the
notion of environmental ow, dened as the
ow regime required to ensure the maintenance
of particular environmental functions in a river
ecosystem. Although the scientic determina-
tion of these environmental ows is problematic,
and although these ows are often the result of
negotiations between dierent interest groups,
claiming a share of the available water for the
environment has contributed to the political
recognition of environmental requirements, and
inuenced major policy shifts and regulations
such as the European Water Directive Frame-
work. It even gave way to more radical claims,
as illustrated by the movement for the removal
of dams, which symbolically heralds a nascent
paradigm shift.
Basin governance or management models:
river basin organizations
The international promotion of the river basin as
the natural or adequate scale for water resources
management has contributed to the creation
and spread of river basin organizations (RBOs).
"River basin organization" is a generic term
for organizations that come under a variety of
names, including agencies, committees, commis-
sions, authorities, associations, administrations,
directorates, councils, hydraulic confederations,
boards, and trusts. If the diversity of those
denominations is partly due to the approximate
translation into English of local administration
names, it also reects the historical pathways of
the dierent basins and does make clear from the
start that those organizations may sometimes be
so dierent that grouping them under a single
category might actually be misleading: basins
may be managed without RBOs, and some
RBOs have a very narrow mandate that does
not amount to basin management.
Discriminating factors rst include the size of
the basin (both the problems and the solutions,
and how dierent stakeholders may contribute
to them, vary greatly between small watersheds
and international river basins) and the mandate
of the organization: an RBO may be respon-
sible for any combination of tasks that include
construction, maintenance and management
of infrastructures, development of basin master
plans, allocating water or administrating rights,
monitoring and collecting hydrologic or water
quality data, law enforcement, fee collection, and
promotion of public participation and awareness.
But, from a governance point of view, an RBO
can be typied, rst, by its vertical integration
within the state administration and, second, by
its horizontal integration with nonstate actors.
Within the state, an RBO can be given
all-encompassing powers that include plan-
ning, construction, and management, as well
as regulation, in which case it will often be an
autonomous authority, with prerogatives that
override those of line agencies. But it can also
be entrusted with a more limited mandates,
in which case it will often be located under a
particular ministry or department. The idea of
integration has also promoted the concept of
regulation, where an RBO is often supposed
to dene the rules of the game (like water
quality standards, maximum aquifer withdrawals,
user fees, and water rights) by which dierent
sectors, users, and governmental agencies must
abide. Unsurprisingly, the creation of a layer
of governance at the basin-level results in
the redistribution of bureaucratic power and
often generates tensions or conicts with other
segments of the bureaucracy, as well as with
local administrations. Because of the political
diculties of reshuing prerogatives, RBOs
often end up layered on top of existing institu-
tions rather than replacing or complementing
them. The development of a regulatory RBO,
often located under the new and weak ministry
of environment, is often not well accepted,
especially if it threatens sectoral vested interests
associated with the planning and construction of
infrastructure or with unchecked pollution.
The degree of horizontal integration indicates
how nonstate actors, such as representatives
from the agricultural or industrial sectors,
environmental nongovernmental organizations,
and various civic groups, are contributing to
decision-making. Nonstate actors can be called
on to participate in dierent ways, from just
consultation or participation in basin councils or
platforms to representation in executive boards
and decision-making, to being the driving force
of RBOs that are partly independent from the
state (which will be more common in small
Integration is often taken as a justication
for centralizing decision-making power and
internalizing decision-making in a powerful
organization, with the frequent risk of com-
bining regulation and operation, and limiting
accountability. However, it can be used to
promote polycentric governance, where both
dierent levels/scales and the views and inter-
ests of state/nonstate entities are expected to
be harmonized, with the risks of stalemate by
fragmentation of decision-making power and
high transaction costs. These patterns of vertical
and horizontal integrations dene various forms
of governance that must be further analyzed and
characterized, for example by looking at their
eciency in terms of delivering sustainable or
equitable management, the way their legitimacy
is built and armed, their degree of accountabil-
ity to society, and their capacity to be nancially
Collaborative arrangements for river basin
governance are growing, as a result of the
failure or limitations shown by models of
decision-making restricted to state bureaucracy
and experts, of the increasing demand from the
private sector, interest groups, and civil society
to have a seat at the table, but also of the new
emphasis on, and the interest of the public in,
restoring environmental quality in line with new
values and uses, such as recreation and aesthetics.
These factors have been at the root of the surge
in the 1990s of the US watershed management
movement, which includes over 1000 watershed
experiences in collaborative planning, whereby
local stakeholders decide the issues and discuss
their options, with some technical assistance and
funding from both federal and state agencies.
The mandate and prerogatives of an RBO may
evolve with time, as a reection of changes in the
problems and challenges, in societal values, and in
state–civil society relationships, and of political
changes. More generally, these changes refer to
the continuous adjustment of governance frame-
works to ever-changing context and challenges, a
need advocated by scholarship on adaptive man-
agement and governance.
The recent work of geographers on the poli-
tics of scale and processes of rescaling addresses
the social production of scale and its impact on
the distribution of power. Here the issue is how
actors gain or lose inuence as a result of author-
ity being recongured around new spatial levels
or by virtue of their own ability to work across
dierent scales or levels
Transboundary basins and hydro-hegemony
Scholarship on transboundary river basins exam-
ines how water is managed in the 263 basins that
cross national boundaries. They represent 60%
of total river ows and 45% of the Earth's land
surface, while being home to about 40% of the
world's population. A rst focus is on legal issues,
including the 1997 UN Convention on the Law
of the Non-navigational Uses of International
Watercourses, with its two main principles of
"equitable and reasonable use" and the obligation
not to cause "signicant harm" to neighbors,
treaties between two or more countries sharing
a river basin, or other institutional arrangements
for transboundary river basins on issues such as
pollution and navigation (as with the Rhine and
the Danube), water allocation (the Indus and the
Nile), and joint management (the Mekong and
the Senegal).
Despite such arrangements, binding agree-
ments are rare or nonexistent; transboundary
management organizations are only given lim-
ited power; mechanisms for monitoring and
enforcement are lacking; hydrological data
remain secretive; and historical political relations
between neighboring countries, as well as strong
sentiments of territorial sovereignty, make it
dicult to ensure equitable and environmentally
friendly management.
One way forward has been to respond to the
lack of public involvement in interstate water
agreements by developing river basin councils,
platforms, and forums in which water user
representatives discuss plans and allocation issues
within a country, like in the Zambezi basin,
where a basin strategy has been developed with
the active involvement of stakeholder groups in
all eight riparian countries. Another way has
been to develop the concept of benet sharing ,
whereby the stalemate in negotiations over water
allocation is overcome by introducing other
benets related either to the use of water (e.g.,
sharing the benets of hydropower between
countries) or to other issues such as trade.
Yet, the topic remains a favorite of political
scientists, who have in particular developed
the concept of hydro-hegemony to describe
relations of power between countries sharing a
same river basin.
Future research directions
This brief review of ongoing scholarship about
river basin development and management points
to a few questions and areas of research that
deserve further inquiry. Modeling approaches
and stochastic hydrologic models are crucial to
providing information on management options
and associated levels of risk, but the study of
extreme events must be paralleled by an under-
standing of policy and political processes that are
dicult to model. Although often limited by the
availability and quality of data, hydrologic mod-
eling needs to rene the representation of the
interaction between surface water and ground-
water, and to better take into consideration
water quality issues.
Given the baing diversity of physical river
basin environments, the combinations of prob-
lems faced, and the multilayered institutional
arrangements, more eort should be put into
understanding the relationship between the
nature of water governance regimes and their
eectiveness. More elaborate typologies of
river basin organizations and other institutional
arrangements should consider the wider histori-
cal, social, and political contexts in which these
governance regimes emerge and evolve, and
provide insight into the administrative congu-
rations which should be favored in a particular
These typologies also require a more nuanced
understanding of bureaucratic dynamics and
reforms, in particular a closer look at the
structure of incentives available to dierent
actors and organizations, when the structure of
decision-making power is recongured to address
issues of basin-level environmental management.
More work is needed on the societal and
political drivers of river basin closure, as a
means of challenging discourses that naturalize
water scarcity and water crises or frame them
in Malthusian terms. The preference for supply
augmentation and capital-intensive solutions
results in the generation and compounding of
water crises, and is therefore self-sustaining; this
preference must be explained by analyzing the
social distribution of costs and benets attached
to dierent policy responses, in particular the
convergence of the interests of politicians,
bureaucrats, and interest groups.
Urban studies focusing on water and sanita-
tion issues have produced a substantial body of
scholarship in the eld of critical geography.
Insights from urban studies need to better fer-
tilize, and to be integrated into, studies on river
basin dynamics and governance, and vice versa.
More generally, studies of river basins provide
an opportunity for multidisciplinary work inte-
grating approaches from hydrology, economics,
human geography, and policy studies, among
Multisectoral or nexus approaches also have
the potential to rene understanding of the sys-
temic complexity of resource use and economic
activities, although it is unclear whether they
can substantially inuence sectoral policies and
Last, the transfer, operationalization, and
adaptation of river basin-based management or
governance reforms in dierent contexts must be
accompanied and scrutinized. Critical work on
the ideologies, interests, and social mechanisms
that sustain the reproduction and dissemination
of particular practices and policy models is
needed. Europeanization, for example, and the
application of the European Water Directive
Framework provide an opportunity to assess
the confrontation of uniform policy guidelines
with the diversity of environmental and human
SEE ALSO: Governance and development;
Irrigation; Political ecology; Water resources
and hydrological management
Ekbladh, D. 2002. "'Mr. TVA': Grass-Roots Devel-
opment, David Lilienthal, and the Rise and Fall
of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a Symbol for
U.S. Overseas Development, 1933–1973." Diplo-
matic History, 26(3): 335–374.
Josephson, P.R. 1995. "'Projects of the Century'
in Soviet History: Large-Scale Technologies from
Lenin to Gorbachev." Technology and Culture 36(3):
Molle, F. 2007. "Scales and Power in River Basins
Management: The Chao Phraya River in Thai-
land." Geographical Journal , 173(4): 358–373.
Norman, E.S., C. Cook, and A. Cohen, eds. 2015.
Negotiating Water Governance: Why the Politics of Scale
Matters in the Governance of Water? Farnham, UK:
Reisner, M. 1993. Cadillac Desert: The American West
and Its Disappearing Water.NewYork:Penguin
Books. (Original work published in 1986.)
Scott, J.C. 1998. Seeing Like a State: How Certain
Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
Further reading
Barrow, C.J. 1998. "River Basin Development Plan-
ning and Management: A Critical Review." World
Development, 26(1): 171–186.
Huitema, D. and Meijerink, S., eds. 2014. The Politics
of River Basin Organisations: Coalitions, Institutional
Design Choices and Consequences. Cheltenham, UK:
Edward Elgar.
Kemper, K.E., W. Blomquist, and A. Dinar, eds. 2006.
Integrated River Basin Management through Decentral-
ization. Berlin: Springer.
McCully, P. 2001. Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Poli-
tics of Large Dams. London: Zed Books / New York:
St Martin's Press.
Molle, F. 2008. "Why Enough Is Never Enough: The
Societal Determinants of River Basin Closure."
International Journal of Water Resource Development,
24(2): 247–256.
Molle, F., and P. Wester, eds. 2009. River Basin
Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Develop-
ment. Wallingford, UK: CABI. http://www.
9781845935382.pdf (accessed April 6, 2016).
Newson, M. 1997. Land, Water and Development: Sus-
tainable Management of River Basin Systems, 2nd edn.
New York: Routledge.
Svendsen, M. 2005. Irrigation and River Basin Man-
agement: Options for Governance and Institutions.
Wallingford, UK: CABI. http://www.iwmi.
(accessed April 6, 2016).
Tecla, L.A. 1967. The River Basin in History and Law.
The Hague: Martinus Nijho.
Wengert, N. 1985. "The River Basin Concept as Seen
from a Management Perspective in United States."
In Strategies for River Basin Management ,editedby
J. Lundqvist, U. Lohm, M. Falkenmark, 299–305.
Dordrecht: Reidel.
Zeitoun, M., and J. Warner. 2006. "Hydro-
hegemony: A Framework for Analysis of Trans-
boundary Water Conicts." Water Policy, 8(5):
... This is even less than the average of ~5 g zC m −2 year −1 for shallow Antarctic shelves (Arntz, Brey, & Gallardo, 1994) but such habitats are young, still being colonized and stressed by sedimentation (Sahade et al., 2015). We scaled up our three study glaciers to the 216 retreating in the WAP region (Cook et al., 2016), but there are 14,725 marine glaciers in the wider southern polar region (Paul, 2017). Thus a considerably higher scaling factor (up to 68×) is likely to become appropriate to understanding potential blue carbon change with glacier retreat. ...
... Similar WAP environments can be more productive (Grange & Smith, 2013;Sahade et al., 2015) by a factor of ~1.44 (Barnes, 2017). There are many assumptions implicit in our calculations, such as using mean glacier thickness (Paul, 2017). ...
Rising atmospheric CO2 is intensifying climate change but it is also driving global and particularly polar greening. However, most blue carbon sinks (that held by marine organisms) are shrinking, which is important as these are hotspots of genuine carbon sequestration. Polar blue carbon increases with losses of marine ice over high latitude continental shelf areas. Marine ice (sea ice, ice shelf and glacier retreat) losses generate a valuable negative feedback on climate change. Blue carbon change with sea ice and ice shelf losses has been estimated, but not how blue carbon responds to glacier retreat along fjords. We derive a testable estimate of glacier retreat driven blue carbon gains by investigating three fjords in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). We started by multiplying ~ 40 yearmean glacier retreat rates by the number of retreating WAP fjords and their time of exposure. We multiplied this area by regional zoobenthic carbon means from existing datasets to suggest that WAP fjords generate 3,130 tonnes of new zoobenthic carbon per year (t zC yr–1) and sequester > 780 t zC yr‐1. We tested this by capture and analysis of 204 high resolution seabed images along emerging WAP fjords. Biota within these images were identified to density per 13 functional groups. Mean stored carbon per individual was assigned from literature values to give a stored zoobenthic Carbon per area, which was multiplied up by area of fjord exposed over time, which increased the estimate to 4,536 t zC yr‐1. The purpose of the current study was to establish a testable estimate of blue carbon change caused by glacier retreat along Antarctic fjords and thus to establish its relative importance compared to polar and other carbon sinks.
... Arrow (1972) developed technology spillover conception with externality theory and argued that innovative investors directly earn from innovation and others also benefit from innovation by spillover effects. Sun and Fan (2017) defined technology spillover as 'the unintentional technological benefits to firms that come from the research and development efforts of other firms without the costs being shared'. Nie (2010) developed the spatial spillover theory and argued that technology spillover may yield industrial clusters. ...
- Pu-yan Nie
- Chan Wang
- Hong-xing Wen
Technology spillover has crucial effects on innovation investment. This article captures the mechanism the technology spillover that affects innovation with dynamic game theory approaches. First, both technology spillover and competition improve consumer surplus. Consumers benefit from technology spillover. Second, firm with high technology undertakes a loss from technology spillover, while opponents benefit from spillover. Finally, technology spillover reduces the patent price. Under fierce competition, the patent price is also reduced. This conclusion helps patent price in theory. The policy implication is to subsidise innovation in some fields.
... Climate change represents somehow additional uncertainty towards the scope for increasing water productivity and may additionally hamper the availability of water resources as one of the main concerns regards increased rainfall variability. Reductions in rainfall at tropical latitudes have been already observed [9], while irrigation water withdrawals are currently stressing many of the world's major river basins [10]. ...
... (2006, 99 f.;Herv. i. O.) Neben mehr-als-menschlichen Geographien leisten daher posthumanistische Ansätze im Allgemeinen einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu, die besondere Rolle von Technologien zu verstehen, wenn es darum geht, die Grenzen des Menschlichen und Nicht-Menschlichen herauszufordern (Ginn 2017). Diese wurden wesentlich durch Arbeiten von Haraway beeinflusst, insbesondere ihrem "Manifesto for Cyborgs" (Haraway 1985), und fordern dazu auf, die Kategorien Mensch, Technologie und Tier immer wieder zu hinterfragen (siehe auch Haraway 2008, 330). ...
... Bölgesel kalkınmada dünyada en başarılı deneyim olan TVA (ST, 2008: 331), büyük ölçekli ilk "bölgesel planlama örgütü"dür. BKA'lara öncülük etmiş (Pike et al., 2006: 76) ve onların "ata"sı olmuştur (Molle, 2006: 8;Molle, 2017: 3). ...
- Filippo Menga
- Dominic Davies
It is widely recognised that the growing awareness that we are living in the Anthropocene-an unstable geological epoch in which humans and their actions are catalysing catastrophic environmental change-is troubling humanity's understanding and perception of temporality and the ways in which we come to terms with socio-ecological change. This article begins by arguing in favour of posthumanism as an approach to this problem, one in which the prefix 'post' does not come as an apocalyptic warning, but rather signals a new way of thinking, an encouragement to move beyond a humanist perspective, and to abandon a social discourse and a worldview fundamentally centred on the human. The article then explores how the impending environmental catastrophe can be productively reimagined through graphic narratives, arguing that popular culture in general, and comics in particular, emerge as productive sites for geographers to interrogate and develop posthuman methodologies and narratives. Developing our analysis around two comics in particular-Here (McGuire, 2014) and Mad Max: Fury Road (Miller et al., 2015)-we show how graphic narrative can help us to move beyond the nature-society divide that is rendered anachronistic by the Anthropocene.
- C. J. Barrow
River basins have been used for development planning and management since the 1930s. Various forms of river basin development planning and management have been applied in many countries. Unfortunately, the results have often been disappointing. This paper critically reviews river basin development planning and management to assess why problems occur, and then focuses on possibilities for improvements.
- P. McCully
This book explains the history and politics of dam building worldwide. It describes the many technical, safety and economic problems that afflict the technology, and explores the role played by international banks and aid agencies in promoting it. The author also examines the rapid growth of the international anti-dam movements, and stresses how replacing large dams with less destructive alternatives will depend upon opening up the dam industry's practices to public scrutiny.
- N. Wengert
In the USA interest in river basins as units for water planning began in the late 19th century as technological progress in engineering provided data for such broader approaches. The emphasis on integrated, comprehensive river basin planning peaked in the 1930s and 1940s as epitomized by the Tennessee Valley Authority experience and New Deal emphasis on rational decision making. Well into the 1950s efforts to intertwine the water concepts of river basin development with regional economic and social planning continued to receive support. But for various reasons in the 1960s till today river basin development and regional planning have pulled apart, river basin management being limited largely to hydrological aspects of river systems engineering. Regional planning and development, in turn, has ceased to focus on the river basin, becoming primarily concerned with inter-related urban socioeconomic and political factors and forces with some attention to environmental values and constraints. Thus regions have become foci for urban socio-economic and political analyses, and river basins continue as significant hydrological planning units for efficient control of water resources.
- Paul R. Josephson
En depit des changements sociaux, politiques et economiques des differents regimes sovietiques de Lenin a Gorbatchev, il a toujours existe une relation etroite entre le pouvoir sovietique et le developpement et l'evolution technologiques
Those who control water, hold power. Complicating matters, water is a flow resource; constantly changing states between liquid, solid, and gas, being incorporated into living and non-living things and crossing boundaries of all kinds. As a result, water governance has much to do with the question of boundaries and scale: who is in and who is out of decision-making structures? Which of the many boundaries that water crosses should be used for decision-making related to its governance? Recently, efforts to understand the relationship between water and political boundaries have come to the fore of water governance debates: how and why does water governance fragment across sectors and governmental departments? How can we govern shared waters more effectively? How do politics and power play out in water governance? This book brings together and connects the work of scholars to engage with such questions. The introduction of scalar debates into water governance discussions is a significant advancement of both governance studies and scalar theory: decision-making with respect to water is often, implicitly, a decision about scale and its related politics. When water managers or scholars explore municipal water service delivery systems, argue that integrated approaches to salmon stewardship are critical to their survival, query the damming of a river to provide power to another region and investigate access to potable water - they are deliberating the politics of scale. Accessible, engaging, and informative, the volume offers an overview and advancement of both scalar and governance studies while examining practical solutions to the challenges of water governance.
- Des Walling
- Malcolm Newson
- Clive T. Agnew
- Ewan Anderson
The book reviews the evolution of river basin management and the history of applied hydrology in the context of the river basin system and its contemporary management. Technical coverage includes the basin as a geomorphological system, the influence of land use on hydrology, soil erosion and the problems of river modification and regulation. Physical laws are set in the context of their boundary conditions at a variety of size and time scales. River systems and their management are also assessed within both physical and social frameworks. -from Author
Drawing upon a worldwide survey of river basin organizations and in-depth studies of eight river basins in a variety of locations around the globe, this book examines how institutional arrangements for managing water resources at the river-basin level have been designed and implemented, the impetus for these arrangements, and what institutional features appear to be associated with greater or lesser success in river basin management.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320754049_The_international_encyclopedia_of_geography_people_the_earth_environment_and_technology
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